Congratulations to our Peninsula Writers’ Club members who celebrated their 2020 submissions in the Stories At The End Of The Line anthology with Frankston Arts Centre.


Emily Westmoreland, Kim Robyn Smith, Rebecca Fraser, Andrea Rowe, Louise Zedda Sampson and Del Skinner were thrilled to celebrate together. Their lockdown inspired pieces were amongst the 75 selected stories to be published.

The anthology was launched in concurrence with a free photographic exhibition ‘This Time, Last Year’ – featuring the works of talented community photographers.

The result is a fabulous image and word art exhibition and collection, time capsule, celebration and memorial for folks of the Peninsula.

And extract of Louise Zedda’s Sampson’s work features prominently on the wall, and a framed extract of Andrea Rowe’s is also featured. The anthologies are available for $10 form the Frankston Arts Centre.


We love seeing our talented members shine.


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