Elizabeth Jones

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Elizabeth (Liz) Jones


I feel excited to be joining this interesting and stimulating group… I am a ‘novice’ writer, but I love words and kindness and sharing and helping … well the list goes on! In brief, I am working on my own life story with a ‘twist’! I have actually been trying to write this for about 10 years now… life has been one rocky road for me and after my husband passed away 11 years ago I had this overwhelming urge, push to share my life journey and what I have learnt along this incredible highway of experiences.

My hope is to find encouragement, ideas, incentive and friendship from like minded others.
Looking forward to many happy and inspirational times together,
Blessings, Liz 🙂


Biographical, Short Stories

Why Do You Write?

I just love words… I am no expert in the field, but have always enjoyed sharing special notes and cards with others! I can never write a small message on a card… ha ha My hope is to share my life story and what I have learned, with others 🙂

Have you been published before?


What are you currently working on?

My Life Story

What are your long term goals?

To finish my book and be published.

What is your writing regime?

I'm trying to tap the laptop each day. I have been working with Julia Cameron's, 'The Artist's Way – Morning Pages'. A challenge at times, but well worth the effort.