Josephine Brick

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Josephine Brick

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I started my career as a graphic designer and, inevitably, also ended up as a copy writer for everything from pantyhose packets to technical manuals.

I’ve edited an art book, I was the production manager for the Arts Centre Magazine in its early years, I conceived and oversaw the production of a book of stories by local adult English students and I’ve had quite a lot of poems published over the years.

I’ve also had a book of 12 short stories and literacy exercises accepted for publication by a publisher who then immediately went to the wall. I’ve written six full length novels none of which none have been published because somewhere along the line I totally lost my nerve, and I do mean totally. Nevertheless, pushed by a friend, I entered and won the Clandestine Press prize in the 2023 Scarlette Silletto Awards. Shortlisted Scarlette Stiletto Awards 2024.

I’m currently the Language & Literacy Advisor for CGD Libraires


General Fiction, Crime Fiction

Why Do You Write?

It's an unstoppable urge and it makes me feel good.

Have you been published before?


If yes, where have you been published?

Poetry books, cereal packets and Sisters in Crime 2023 collection of Scarlett Stiletto award winners

What are you currently working on?

I'm a bit stuck at the moment. Have three ideas going but not 'loving' any of them so far.

What are your long term goals?

To be a published author

What is your writing regime?

When I'm working on a novel, a couple of hours a day on as many days as I can make the time. Like writing to deadline – during lockdown wrote two chapter-a-week novel for friends.