Celebrating a major membership milestone 


Remember the start of 2020 when so much changed?


In the month we launched our incorporation as a not-for-profit regional writing group, the world launched a pandemic.

We’ve delivered:

  • Zoom workshops with some of Australia’s best authors
  • Spoken word events online
  • Lockdown love letters to our members
  • Monthly Ink Drop Members sharing expertise masterclasses
  • Committee training on inclusivity and diversity, website management and Mailchimp
  • Writing prompts
  • Online microfiction activities, competitions and publishing opportunities
  • Footpath fiction underfoot on our streets
  • Library partnership programs
  • The inaugural Mayor’s Writing Award
  • Bendigo Bank sponsored Digital Writer in Residence program
  • Weekly milestones celebrations of our members in an interactive Facebook Group.

As we all hunkered down, we also connected and created like never before.

All on a shoestring budget, with a volunteer Committee who were homeschooling, working, and caring for others in extensive Victorian lockdowns. 

Thank you to every member who is invested in this community group and your writing dreams. Thanks to all of our guests, and writing and civic organisations who have supported us and enabled grants and funding assistance. 

100 members in this time in history is a most special milestone for our story tellers. 

Thank you for your support.


Here’s to turning the page on the next chapter!



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