Brenda Cullen

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Brenda Cullen

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as above

Pen name





I am are retired nurse, hence my proclivity to include death in my work. Not an obsession just a life observation. I have been published in six anthologies by Pure Slush – poetry and prose. I write short stories. Am an avid reader of them and see then as sparkling gems. I read too much and write too little…avoidance?, procrastination?, imposter syndrome?.

I gravitate to coming of age , soft horror and eco genres. I also write poetry and have been working on and (mostly)off a novel for years.

I am endeavoring to mine and map my genealogy – a punishing activity as down the rabbit hole I go.

Writing allows me to explore who I am and why we are.


General Fiction, Horror, Poetry, Short Stories

Why Do You Write?

I have stories in my head and I love the written word.

Have you been published before?


If yes, where have you been published?

Pure Slush

What are you currently working on?

A coming of age short story and a novel .

What are your long term goals?

To finish what I have begun

What is your writing regime?

Eeek! Intentional. Mostly haphazard like most things I engage with.

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